
Bowls is one of the cheaper sports to take up and to play.

A set of bowls is an obvious requirement but can sometimes represent the biggest problem for anyone taking up the sport. Bowls are available in nine different sizes, three different weights and a multitude of different colours. Added to that each manufacturer has around six different styles of bowl to suite different bowling styles and conditions.

The cost of a new set of woods is between £85 and £210. Faced with this situation it is almost impossible to say to a new bowler which bowls are best suited to them. It is for this reason that we always recommend that a new bowler starts with a second hand set of woods. Sets of bowls are readily available on online auction sites and sets are often offered for sale on the club noticeboard.

A second hand set of bowls can be purchased for between £10 and £60. If you subsequently discover that the bowls you have bought are not ideal for you then they can probably be sold again for the same amount.

Club members will always be willing to help you try and choose a set of bowls suited to you – the club itself has a sets of bowls that you are welcome to use until you buy your own set.