Dress Code

The minimum requirement for anyone to take up the game is a pair of bowling shoes (not trainers), a set of woods and appropriate clothing.

With regard to the latter, the clubs requirement is basically White above the waist and Grey below the waste – no jeans and tops must have a collar.

Bowls shoes are specific to the sport and have absolutely flat soles with no grips/ markings on them – this is to ensure the playing surfaces (Indoor and Outdoor) are protected. Shoes are available in White, Brown and Grey – the club can advise which is most suitable.

Dress Code

The SWFC dress code comes in two parts for Outdoor bowling:

  • For day to day games/ leagues etc the dress code is White above the waist and Grey below. Shoes may be White, Brown or Grey.
  • For friendly games against other clubs we play in mostly greys with the old exception of white below the waist.
  • In addition for people who play representative games for the club, a Club badge is available, at cost, to be sown onto a white top or shirt. We are hoping to introduce polo shirts with our logos in the future. We will use the ‘News/Information’ link when these are available.
  • It can be seen therefore that the dress required for normal play is simple to achieve and can normally be purchased from any shop. The only stipulation is that any shirt/ blouse must have a collar.
  • For the ladies the skirt must be below the knee and be double pleated.